Tuesday, February 24, 2004

What is it that makes Samuel Huntingdon tick? He can come up with very catchy theses, which work their way into the headlines and make him famous. I think the "clash of civilizations" argument was pretty thoroughly wrong; the last time he got it right, I think, was when he identified the "third wave of democratization." Robert Kaplan once told Huntingdon he was a "conservative Democrat" (the kind that doesn't exist anymore) and Huntingdon agreed to the characterization.

Anyway, he's gotten it wrong again about Hispanics. I just skimmed this; better to read David Brooks' refutation. I'm proud to say that on the pole opposite Huntingdon stands Bush, who believes neither in the clash of civilizations-- he thinks Muslims can make good Democrats if we just give them a chance-- nor in the Hispanic threat-- he sees Hispanics as honest, hard-working, and welcome.


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