Thursday, July 29, 2004


Edwards' plea for decency in politics is much-needed and very welcome, but he forgets that so much of the negativity is coming from his side.

EDWARDS: But what have we seen? Relentless negative attacks against John. So in the weeks ahead, we know what's coming, don't we?


EDWARDS: ... more negative attacks -- aren't you sick of it?


EDWARDS: They are doing all they can to take the campaign for the highest office in the land down the lowest possible road.

But this is where you come in: Between now and November, you, the American people, you can reject the tired, old, hateful, negative politics of the past.

But the Democrats don't need attack ads, they got Michael Moore! Probably a lot more Americans have seen Fahrenheit 9-11 than have watched Bush's attack ads. John Kerry, who called for "regime change in the United States" during the Iraq war, and who is holding a fund-raising party in New York this summer called "The End of an Error," is also not innocent on this point. And the Democrats (Edwards aside, and maybe the Clintons) are not distancing themselves from the loony left. Americans might just heed Edwards' call and "reject the tired, old, hateful, negative politics of the past" by giving Michael Moore's party a bloody nose at the polls.


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