Friday, July 30, 2004

BuzzMachine thinks that:

What bothers me about the speech -- besides the John-John moment with the silly salute -- is its American defensiveness. He leads with making America "respected in the world." As far as I am concerned, this should not be a primary goal of an administration; at most, it is a fringe benefit. We should do what we need to do and if the world respects that, fine; if France doesn't, I still don't give a damn.

Mostly agree. You don't get respect by wanting it. Remember junior high, the way so many kids tried so hard to be cool, but the really cool kids just did it by being themselves? Ironic, isn't it? But life is full of irony. You have to be aware of the irony, to laugh at yourself. Never be too earnest. (I have been.)


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